Cyngor Cymuned Llangrannog

The village Ponrgarreg is situated 2miles from the A487at Pentre Gat and 2miles from Llangrannog on the B4321. Pontgarreg is named from the two stones bridge that cross the river Hawen which flows through the village and down to the sea at Llangrannog.
The valley is sheltered and has woodland which is called " allt Tredwr".In 1867 the Primary School was opened and closed in 2012 when a new area school was built in the neighbouring village of Brynhoffnant. The Memorial Hall is a community centre which is used by various organisations and was built in 1952 and refurbished with grant funding from the Lottery in 2000, there is a community playing field next to the hall with ample parking spaces. T Llew Jones the famous bard, poet and author of welsh children books lived in the village until his death in January,2009.

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